Why Women should Consider Deism

Deism is the belief that the universe had a creator, or God, who manufactured the machine of the universe and humanity, but has not intervened since. This religion is driven by rationality and the argument from design, which states that all machines have a creator, and nature functions as machine, therefore nature must have a … Continue reading Why Women should Consider Deism

Shaktism and the Devi: A Female Faith

Shaktism is a major tradition of Hinduism that is centered around a Goddess called Devi, making the source of divinity and the metaphysical reality female. It is one of the three major schools within Hinduism, along with Shaivism and Vaishnavism. Shaktism is different than the other two in that it believes the Goddess Devi to … Continue reading Shaktism and the Devi: A Female Faith

Judaism Through a Feminist Lens

Along with the Feminist Spirituality Movement came feminist religious reform in other religions, one of these being a grass-roots movement of Jewish feminism. This movement towards gender equality within Judaism was driven by  Jewish women that were well-educated and liberal in their political and cultural orientation. These women  viewed their Jewishness as an integral part … Continue reading Judaism Through a Feminist Lens

The Feminist Spirituality Movement

In the late 1960's and early 1970's, America witnessed what they called "second-wave feminism," which was a political movement for the advancement of Women's rights. Along with this change came a religious campaign called the Feminist Spirituality Movement. Up until this point, Women had recognized the inequality of genders in religious societies, and it was understood that being … Continue reading The Feminist Spirituality Movement

How an Islamic Woman Shifted Her Society’s Religious Outlook on Females

  "I decided to use their defense as my offense." Alaa Murabit was born in Canada and brought up in a household with two Muslim parents from Libya, and was one of eleven children. At the age of fifteen, she returned to Libya to study and experience the culture of her faith. Once there, she … Continue reading How an Islamic Woman Shifted Her Society’s Religious Outlook on Females

A Feminist Critique of the Book of Genesis, As Inspired by Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"The canon and civil law; church and state; priests and legislators; all political parties and religious denominations have alike taught that woman was made after man, of man, and for man, an inferior being, subject to man." This statement by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, taken from The Woman's Bible, is the principal argument against Christianity amongst … Continue reading A Feminist Critique of the Book of Genesis, As Inspired by Elizabeth Cady Stanton